D-Day has begun

With your help and the help of almost 50,000 other Americans, we at the National Republican Trust PAC — also known as GOPtrust.com — have begun our TV assault in Georgia against Barack Obama and the left-wing Democrats who want total control over Congress.

Our new TV ad has begun to run across Georgia exposing Obama’s plans.
As you know, Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss is fighting to keep his Georgia seat in GOP hands.
It is critical he does so. Chambliss will be the key Senate vote in stopping Obama’s radical agenda.
But Sen. Chambliss faces an incredibly stiff challenge from his opponent Jim Martin.
Just last week Obama, Chuck Schumer and Washington Democrats poured almost $1 million into the state to defeat him.

They are bussing in thousands of “organizers” to snatch this election from the GOP.
This is why our campaign is so vitally important.
Fox News analyst Dick Morris says this election is vitally important to all of us across the country.
Morris says if Obama wins the Georgia seat, he will ram through Congress a radical agenda on taxes, guns, abortion — he can even shut down talk radio!

Dick Morris says we at the National Republican Trust PAC “are leading the fight to save Chambliss and keep Obama from getting a filibuster-proof Senate.”
Dick says this won’t be easy for Chambliss because the Obama camp has more money and they are experts at voter turn-out — the key to winning this race.
But Dick says we can still defeat Martin and Obama.
We need your help today to do it!
Please donate to our cause by Going Here Now

See our new TV ad exposing Obama and Martin — Go Here Now
Thank you.
Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

P.S. We now have just two weeks before the December 2nd run-off election. We can leave nothing to chance. We need to raise millions to stop Obama. Please help us today by calling our Donor Hotline at 1-866-957-1467 or Go Here Now
Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or
candidate’s committee.
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340 Washington, DC 20037-1233

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable
contributions for federal income tax purposes. No corporate funds are accepted.

Arabs: Obama ‘One of Us’ Farrakhan endorsed Obama and calls him the “messiah.”

Our terrorist enemies LOVE Hussein Obama… so why do so many Americans love him too?While Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama “has tried to push his origins into the background, his ‘Islamic roots’ have won him a place in many Arabs’ hearts.”

That’s the observation of Iranian-born commentator Amir Taheri, whose column in Tuesday’s New York Post notes that many Arabs and other Muslims see Obama as “one of them.”

They see that Obama has Arabic-Islamic first and middle names: Barack means “blessed” and Hussein means “beautiful.” His last name is Swahili, an East African language based on Arabic, Taheri writes. His sister is named Oumah, Arabic for “the community of the faithful;” his daughter Malia bears the name of a daughter of the noted Caliph Othman; and his father and stepfather were both Muslims.

Although Taheri did not note it, Obama was raised partially as a Muslim when he lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather. While there, he studied at two schools and was registered at both as a Muslim student.

As such he received Islamic religious instruction, studied the Koran, and prayed with other students. He did attend mosque, albeit infrequently, with his stepfather.

Obama’s religious upbringing after Indonesia is somewhat of a mystery until his late 20s. At that point, Obama says he converted to Christianity after meeting the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Chicago.

Still, Obama has maintained strong support from American Muslims, including Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam movement. Farrakhan has endorsed Obama and has called him the “messiah.”

These factors have made Obama a big hit in the Arab world, where he has received wide praise, including:

  • The Syrian regime has indicated its preference for Obama. Buthaina Shaaban, an adviser to President Bashar al-Assad, has written: “The change suggested by Obama is essential not only for the U.S. but for the entire human family.”
  • Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi called Obama “a Muslim” and said: “All the people in the Arab and Muslim world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcome him and prayed for his success,” although Qaddafi also expressed criticism of Obama’s comments on the future of Jerusalem.
  • Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said this year: “We like Mr. Obama and we hope that he will win the election.”
  • Hezbollah’s second in command, Sheik Naim al-Kassim, urged Americans to vote for Obama as a step toward peace with Islam, and pro-Hezbollah columnist Amal Saad-Ghorayeb said there is “no doubt Arabs should welcome an Obama presidency,” according to Taheri.
  • In Saudi Arabia, commentator Hussein Shobokshi wrote that an Obama presidency “would mark an important moral transformation in the superpower and is a healthy indicator of the long-awaited improvement in the international arena.”

Some columnists also have noted Obama’s close ties to several Palestinian radicals, including Columbia University Prof. Rashid Khalidi — former communications director for the Palestinian Liberation Organization — and another Palestinian political activist, the late Edward Said.

The “Arab street” also favors Obama. Recent surveys found that he is the preferred candidate in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Editor’s Note: Check out the explosive new ad linking Obama and Rev. Wright — Go Here Now

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Obama and Wright: He Never Complained Once