Obama says we’re selfish if we don’t want higher taxes

Obama’s New Attack on Those Who Don’t Want Higher Taxes: ‘Selfishness’

October 31, 2008 10:58 AM

Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper

On the stump this week, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has pushed back against Sen. John McCain’s description of his tax policies.

“The reason that we want to do this, change our tax code, is not because I have anything against the rich,” Obama said in Sarasota, Florida, yesterday. “I love rich people! I want all of you to be rich. Go for it. That’s the America dream, that’s the American way, that’s terrific.

“The point is, though, that — and it’s not just charity, it’s not just that I want to help the middle class and working people who are trying to get in the middle class — it’s that when we actually make sure that everybody’s got a shot – when young people can all go to college, when everybody’s got decent health care, when everybody’s got a little more money at the end of the month – then guess what? Everybody starts spending that money, they decide maybe I can afford a new car, maybe I can afford a computer for my child. They can buy the products and services that businesses are selling and everybody is better off. All boats rise. That’s what happened in the 1990s, that’s what we need to restore. And that’s what I’m gonna do as president of the United States of America.

“John McCain and Sarah Palin they call this socialistic,” Obama continued. “You know I don’t know when, when they decided they wanted to make a virtue out of selfishness.”

It’s unclear if this was a nod to the Ayn Rand book “The Virtue of Selfishness,” with all that the invocation of Rand implies.

It would seem to be, given the themes of Rand’s work, what happens when independent achievers are demonized.

Which would fit with this description of those who want to keep their hard-earned tax dollars as “selfish.”

Atlas may not be shrugging, but Obama is.

— jpt

“Joe The Plumber” finds out OBAMA’s 3 BIG LIES !!

>>>> Are these characteristics becoming of a Presidential Candidate?<<<<<

sssshhhh… don’t worry: nobody’s gonna see you vote for McCain when your in that booth!!

Brief summary:

  • Obama will let the Bush tax cuts expire. That’s an automatic 5 percent tax increase on almost all taxpayers.
  • Obama wants to almost double Capital Gains tax to almost 30 percent (own Mutual funds or 401k’s?).
  • He wants to hike the dividend tax, and he also has promised taxes on gas and energy.
  • Obama also wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, which had almost disappeared.
  • Obama has promised to gut the missile defense program created by President Reagan.
  • He has promised to cut “tens of billions” of dollars from the Defense Department.
  • Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country.
  • In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live-born children — children actually born alive! THAT, my friends, is INFANTICIDE!
  • He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.


If you believe the media, ‘Joe the Plumber’ is a sinister, McCain-supporting Republican of the Reagan type — he is a true threat to the “Anointed One” — Barack Obama — and his chances of becoming president of the United States.

This sounds almost like a make-believe story, but it’s true. The media has been seeking to decapitate Joe the plumber.

Why? Because he’s an ordinary American who has a dream of business success for himself and his family.

One day, Joe woke up and suddenly realized that Barack Obama is going to punish him with brutal taxes.

Just by coincidence — and I know Chris Matthews and Katie Couric will never believe it was simply a coincidence — Joe met Barack Obama as Obama passed through his Ohio neighborhood.

When Joe challenged Obama with a tough question — something the press has not done during the past two years — the Anointed One wilted.

How dare Joe want to make and keep his own money?  The nerve of this man to want to be a success in a small business!

As Obama put it, shouldn’t Joe want to help him “spread the wealth around?”

With that one remark, Obama’s disguise as a moderate crumbled.

Here are just three of Obama’s biggest lies:

Obama Lie No. 1 — I will tax just the rich.

There is no such thing as a tax on just the rich. Taxes on wealthy people affect everyone.

Remember, Obama defines anyone making over $90,000 a year as “rich.”

Joe the plumber discovered that Obama thinks Joe’s rich too. Under Obama, he won’t be able to hire new employees and grow his business.

Joe’s not alone. Obama says he’ll strip away the FICA cap at $90,000 for every worker. That means every dollar you earn over that amount, you’ll pay 7 percent!

Obama Lie No. 2 — I want to give a tax cut
to the middle class.


Obama says he will let the Bush tax cuts expire. That’s an automatic 5 percent (maximum) tax increase on almost all taxpayers.

Plus middle class folks pay capital gains taxes. Obama has said he wants to almost double them from a low of 15 percent to almost 30 percent.

He wants to hike the dividend tax, and he also has promised taxes on gas and energy.

Obama also wants to dramatically increase the estate tax, which had almost disappeared.

There goes your idea of sharing your wealth with your kids in the future.

Obama Lie No. 3 — I want to make America
more secure.

Another outright lie.

In an age when crazies like Iran’s Ahmadinejad are building ballistic missiles and promise to “destroy” the United States and Israel, Obama has promised to gut the missile defense program created by President Reagan.

“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems,” Obama said.

He has promised to cut “tens of billions” of dollars from the Defense Department. In an effort to make us more “secure,” Obama plans to disarm us.

In the age of 9/11 can we afford such a radical Leftist in the White House?

No, we can’t.

Obama is not just a danger to our economy, with his plans to raise taxes and spend $800 billion in new programs.

He is a radical out to reshape America beyond recognition.

He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.

Even Hillary Clinton opposed his radical plan.

But Obama not only touted such a plan running for president, he pushed for giving illegals driver’s licenses as a state senator in Illinois.

He is also the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live-born children — children actually born alive!  He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.

He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.

He originally backed Washington D.C.’s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an “F” on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.

Never forget that Obama is a Harvard-educated elitist. To him, we Americans are simply “bitter” and he has mocked us saying “[they] cling to their guns and their religion.”

Support the National Republican Trust PAC’s Campaign to Expose Obama — Go Here Now.

Exposing the Truth

Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.

When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.

Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama’s home state of Illinois.

And even though Obama was “anointed” by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.

Finally, McCain is fighting back — just like Hillary did. His poll numbers have improved.

But Obama is spending huge amounts of cash in the swing states.

Make no mistake about it: If we let Americans know the truth about Obama, John McCain can win this election!

But we must employ Hillary Clinton’s strategy.

We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.

Send a Donation Today to Help Our Cause — Go Here Now.

You Can Make a Difference

This is why the National Republican Trust PAC is already implementing a “shock and awe” strategy against Obama in key states.

We are taking out powerful television ads, Internet ads, and other communications to inform Americans about the dangers posed by Barack Obama.

We plan to target key states that can make a difference — but we need your help to do it.

As a political action committee, we can accept up to $5,000 in donations per contributor.

A $5,000 donation can help us saturate a key market for a full day with television ads.

But if you can’t do the full amount, even $2,500 or $1,000 or $500 — any amount you can afford will help.

Stop and think how much Obama may cost you and your family in new taxes over the next four years alone: $50,000, $75,000, $100,000 or even more.

Your donation today may actually save you much more in the years to come.

Please help today — Donate by Going Here Now.

Posted by our friends at NEWSMAX

Rep. Frank: “Yes, I believe later on there should be tax increases; thee’s plenty of Rich People We can Tax

“Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money.”(CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” 10/20/08)”

Click Here To View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Mazjm_A5k

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 – (202) 863-8500 – www.gop.com
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
SOURCE Republican National Committee

Copyright (C) 2008 PR Newswire. All rights reserved End of Story

Barack Obama tells a plumber in Ohio he wants to “spread the wealth around,”


Barack Obama told a tax-burdened plumber over the weekend that his economic philosophy is to “spread the wealth around” — a comment that may only draw fire from riled-up John McCain supporters who have taken to calling Obama a “socialist” at the Republican’s rallies.

Obama made the remark, caught on camera, after fielding some tough questions from the plumber Sunday in Ohio, where the Democratic candidate canvassed neighborhoods and encouraged residents to vote early.

“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed “more and more for fulfilling the American dream.”

“It’s not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too,” Obama responded. “My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Obama’s remarks drew fresh criticism on the blogosphere that the Illinois senator favors a breed of wealth redistribution — as well as a rebuke from the McCain campaign.

“If Barack Obama’s goal as President is to ‘spread the wealth around,’ perhaps his unconditional meetings with Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro, and Kim Jong-Il aren’t so crazy — if nothing else they can advise an Obama administration on economic policy,” McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb said in a written statement to FOXNews.com. “In contrast, John McCain’s goal as president will be to let the American people prosper unburdened by government and ever higher taxes.”

Obama frequently rails against what he calls a Republican concept that tax breaks for the wealthy will somehow “trickle down” to middle-class Americans.

Obama says he will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year.

However, McCain’s aides and supporters argue that Obama wrongly wants to raise taxes on businesses in a time of economic distress.


Senate Environment Committee will discuss creating a new $150 million tax on water yesterday – May 7th, also known as NJ’s Tax Freedom day (the day we finally earn enough money to pay off our total tax bill.  I guess the Democrats don;t like May 7th).

I was wondering what I can be taxed on next…  Thank you Trenton!

Assemblyman Jay Webber, Chairman of the Taxpayer Protection Caucus in the Assembly, yesterday issued this statement on New Jersey’s Tax Freedom Day, the day when New Jerseyans finally have earned enough money to pay off their total tax bill for the year.  New Jersey’s Tax Freedom Day is the second worst — that is, latest — in the entire country.  But it was announced that the Senate Environment Committee will discuss creating a new $150 million tax on water.

Assemblyman Webber stated:  “On the day that New Jerseyans finally have paid for their share of government and can start working for their families, it is sad irony that Democrats start pushing their new water tax on households.  They already have made New Jersey unaffordable by taxing our homes, our work, our cars, our TVs, our phones, our cigarettes, our gas, our electricity, and our drinks, among other things.  Now they want to tax our water.  What will they tax next — our air?”

“This year, the average New Jerseyan already has spent 127 long days — well more than 4 months — working just to pay his or her total tax burden.  Crushing taxes are forcing our families, friends, and neighbors to flee to other states — and the only thing the Democrats can think to do is to find new burdens to heap on us,” said Assemblyman Webber.

“The commitment of the Taxpayer Protection Caucus is to make New Jersey more affordable by opposing any tax increases and  lightening the load on New Jersey’s already-overtaxed citizens.  We want our State to be a place where people want to live, not a place they need to leave,” stated Assemblyman Webber.

Mike Huckabee – on the issues. Keep this in mind when in that booth on Super Tuesday.

(…and while your at it, at the bottom is a new AP article out today:

Romney’s economic claims challenged)

Find more information – please visit Mike at: mikehuckabee.com

A Voter’s guide…

1. With ten-and-a-half years of experience running state government, Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas has more relevant executive experience than any candidate in the race – either Republican or Democrat.

2. Recognized and tapped by his peers for leadership, the National Governor’s Association selected Governor Huckabee as it’s Chairman.

3. TIME Magazine honored him as one of the five best Governors in America.

4. Governor Huckabee is a fiscal conservative who cut taxes almost 100 times in the state of Arkansas, including the state’s first broad-based tax cuts, and turned a $200 million deficit into an $850 million surplus.

1. TAXES/ECONOMY –Governor Huckabee supports The FairTax because it will restore the “Made in America” label, making American goods 12-25% more competitive, boosting economic growth, increasing our exports, and securing American jobs. It also prevents criminals or illegal aliens from avoiding taxes, and makes the taxes we all pay 100% transparent.

2. GOVERNMENT SPENDING – Governor Huckabee is committed to reducing government spending. One way he’ll do this is by reducing the cost of welfare. Governor Huckabee will work with states to reduce welfare roles through programs like the one he implemented in Arkansas, which reduced welfare roles by 50%.

3. HEALTH CARE –Governor Huckabee will implement a consumer-based healthcare system that emphasizes preventative medicine and wellness. Because 70% of our $2 trillion dollar healthcare costs is spent treating chronic, preventable diseases, this approach will make healthcare more affordable for everybody while keeping us healthier.

4. FAMILY VALUES –Governor Huckabee supports a federal constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. He Successfully fought for Arknasas’ marriage amendment and strongly supports a similar, federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

5. IMMIGRATION –Governor Huckabee will secure the border (with physical barriers, electronic surveillance, and more border-patrol personnel and detention facilities). He will also end sanctuary cities and increase penalties on, and enforcement against, employers who hire illegal immigrants. Governor Huckabee will make sure the border patrol has adequate funding to end our “catch and release” system so that everyone caught trying to enter illegally, overstaying their visa, or committing a crime will be held until they’re tried, convicted, and deported. Gov. Huckabee has also signed the Numbers USA “No Amnesty” Pledge.

6. WAR ON TERROR AND IRAQ – Governor Huckabee knows it takes a large, well-equipped military to ensure our national defense and to deter conventional military confrontations. He also knows we need large, well-equipped intelligence and Special Forces operations for our national offense – so we can effectively find and eliminate terrorist threats at home or abroad. Governor Huckabee will be a Commander in Chief who knows that IF WE HAVE TO FIGHT A WAR, our President has to fight it the way our GENERALS tell him it can be won, not the way we want it to be won.

7. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE –Governor Huckabee will implement a program to end the import of foreign oil in the next ten years by increasing domestic oil production in the short term, and then replacing oil-based energy infrastructure with alternative and renewable energies.

8. CLEMENCIES – Arkansas Governors grant clemency, but the parole board grants parole. Wayne DuMond’s parole was granted by the board and NOT Governor Huckabee.

9. TAXES –When Governor Huckabee left office, the tax rates remained exactly the same as when he first came into office. Governor Huckabee returned almost $400 million to Arkansas taxpayers, and he also DOUBLED the standard deduction for individuals and married couples, DOUBLED the childcare tax credit, and eliminated the marriage penalty. He also repealed capital gains taxes for home sales, lowered the capital gains rate by 25%, expanded the homestead exemption, and set up tax-free savings accounts for medical care and college tuition. Gov. Huckabee has also signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s pledge not to raise taxes.

• Lifetime member of the NRA, member for over 15 years
• First Governor to have concealed-carry permit
• Removed restrictions on carry permit holders
• Protected gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits
• Opposes reauthorization of the Assault Weapon Ban
• Opposes expansion of the unconstitutional “Brady Bill”
• Opposes waiting period for purchase of firearms
• Opposes background checks on private firearms transactions at gun shows
• Will nominate judges who interpret the constitution as the Founders intended, rather than as a “living document reflecting current political trends or opinions”
• An avid hunter and conservationist, and a member of the Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation and BASS


Political news

By STEVE LeBLANC Associated Press Writer
© 2008 The Associated Press

BOSTON — It’s part of Mitt Romney’s core narrative: Massachusetts, in the throes of a fiscal freefall, fell back on his CEO skills and turnaround wizardry to spark — in his words — “a dramatic reversal of state fortunes and a period of sustained economic expansion.”

It’s a rosy opinion of Massachusetts’ economy that few in the state share. Instead, observers say, the state’s recovery from a disastrous 2001 recession has been tepid at best, and Romney gives himself more credit than deserved on job creation and balancing the state budget.

Romney says that by the time he left office, the unemployment rate in Massachusetts was lower and the state had recovered nearly 80,000 jobs from the low point of the recession.

A fuller look reveals a state still struggling to recoup the jobs washed away in the recession, while much of the rest of the country has already sailed past pre-recession highs.

According to state unemployment numbers, the net number of jobs added during the four years Romney was in office was 24,400 a fraction of the total of about 200,000 lost during the recession.

Although the number of new jobs steadily climbed during Romney’s four years in office — from a loss of 54,700 in his first year to a gain of 34,700 in his final year — most of the rest of the country rebounded much faster.

Massachusetts is one of just six states that hasn’t added back all the jobs lost during the recession.

“Our losses were steeper, and our gains have been slower and as an end result we are still nearly 100,000 jobs down,” said Dana Ansel, research director for the Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth, a nonpartisan think tank.

The state’s unemployment numbers also showed little movement during Romney’s tenure.

In December 2002, as Romney prepared to step into office, Massachusetts unemployment rate stood at 5.6 percent, slightly lower than the national unemployment rate of 6 percent.

By December 2006 — Romney’s last full month in office — national unemployment had fallen to just 4.5 percent while Massachusetts unemployment numbers had inched down to 5.2 percent.

“We’ve had a very slow economic recovery and we’ve trailed most of the rest of the nation,” said Michael Widmer, president of the business-backed Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation. “It’s not the turnaround he’s advertised.”

Another key Romney claim was that he was able — through a mix of spending cuts and fiscal discipline — to close a nearly $3 billion budget gap he inherited as he walked into office.

While fiscal watchdogs also pegged the budget gap at about $3 billion, they point out that Romney also inherited something else — revenues from a massive $1.1 billion package of tax increases passed by the Democrat-controlled state Legislature the year before he took office.

A spike in revenues in his first year in office helped cut that deficit nearly in half.

“He was lucky. He dodged a bullet,” said David Tuerck, executive director of the Beacon Hill Institute at Suffolk University. “If he was in office a year earlier, he would have faced a very difficult choice.”

Another of Romney’s key, and most contested, economic claims is that he was able to close the $3 billion hole without raising taxes or increasing debt.

Critics have been quick to point out that while Romney opposed any broad-based taxes, he hiked business taxes by about $300 million by closing so-called tax “loopholes” — and would have raised even more until pressure from business leaders forced him to cut one of the proposed loophole closings in half.

He also pushed through a broad series of new and higher fees that brought in an additional $260 million during his first year.

Observers say Romney can claim some legitimate fiscal successes — vetoing spending increases, fighting against tax increases, and helping lure some businesses to Massachusetts, including a new facility being built by Bristol-Myers Squibb.

The economy when Mitt Romney left was clearly not where any of us wanted it to be, but it was headed in the right direction,” said state Rep. Brad Jones, the Republican leader in the Democrat-controlled Massachusetts House and a supporter of Romney. “Clearly it’s accurate that the economy turned around from where it was and where it was headed.”

But many in Massachusetts, including business leaders, say they see in Romney’s legacy a history of missed opportunities.

When he was running for governor, Romney pledged to be the state’s salesman-in-chief, luring companies to the struggling state.

That role shifted as he eyed a run for president and tried to distance himself from Massachusetts’ liberal reputation.

“Unfortunately, he spent a lot of time out of state and as his preliminary campaign started he spent a lot of time badmouthing and making fun of the state,” said Brian Gilmore, executive vice president of the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, which represents 7,000 businesses and employers.

“I certainly didn’t think that helped,” he said.


New Jersey’s Credit card bill – just unbelievable…

Amazing numbers here – the preplexing question (other than where the heck all these spending numbers come from) however is Why is Gov. Corzine is in such a panic to pay our bills?

Hmmm…. Terrific read by our friends at Enlighten NJ

Thanks guys – keep doing what you’re doing!

Corzine Insists He’s Doing Everything He Can to Make N.J. Affordable ..yeah right: I’ll believe that “when Pigs fly”

… I highly doubt that Corzine has someone like me, the middle class, in mind at all. The way he’s governing, I wouldn’t doubt that his secret goal is to drive all Middle class out of NJ and keep it for his wealthy partners and dirty legislators.


During his latest Financial Restructuring and Debt Reduction Town Hall meeting – held last night in Morris County – Governor Corzine told those assembled he’s working hard “to put lids and caps and limits on where we are going on spending – so we can break the back of the things that are driving up the cost of government.” (Tuesday, Corzine signed off on a bill passed by the lame-duck Legislature to increase the salary for judges in the state by 11 percent. That’s after they got a 5.7 percent hike last year – hmmm – perhaps it’s things like this that are driving up the cost of government Governor?)

When asked if life is more affordable for Jersey residents since he was elected Governor two years ago, Corzine said “the cost of living has gone up since I’ve been Governor – on health care, the cost of energy prices has gone up, the cost of food is also higher…I can’t control what the world prices are in a lot of these ingredients.”

He added “the people of the State of New Jersey are pressed – I get it – I’m trying to do those things that we have some control over…I believe that if people look at their property tax rebates in conjunction with their property tax bills, it actually has gone down.”

The problem is, Governor, you stated on 101.5 morning show that if this doesn’t go thru, you’ll have to make “draconian cuts”

…well isn’t that what we need? How soon can u start???

Related article: Despite fiscal woes, Corzine spends more

Governor Corzine Asked for a Better Plan

Very good article .

Governor Corzine stated in his State of the State Address that if anyone had a better idea than his Asset Monetization scheme that will raise a 35 cent Parkway toll to nearly $2 then he wanted to hear it.

Here’s the plan.

New Jersey’s state spending has increased from $21 to $33 Billion under Governors McGreevey, Codey and Corzine. That’s a 57 percent increase in just six years – far above inflation. To start, Governor Corzine needs to shut down dozens of liberal big government spending schemes created in the last six years, such as $37 million for Trenton Capitol Aid, $12 million non-competitive special arts programs and $8 million for the bogus Regional Aid Program that arbitrarily benefits five Hudson towns run by dual office holders.

New Jersey’s leaders cannot fund every costly idea politicians conjure up.

It is essential to determine just what government should be doing and return all functions feasible to the private sector. In short – downsize, prioritize and privatize.

Downsizing starts with the general appropriation budget, rampant with billions in pork barrel spending programs. The Governor needs to use his line-item veto to eliminate all of these items and a lot more.


District 12 – Beck: Hard Work Needed to Keep New Jersey Affordable

January 9, 2008
Contact: Senate Republican Office
(609) 292-5199

Property Tax Relief, Ethics Reform & Toll Road Protection Top New Senator’s Agenda

Newly sworn in Senator Jennifer Beck (R-12) issued the following statement regarding her priorities for the 213th Legislature and her reaction to Governor Corzine’s “State of the State” speech.

“Today, as I listened to Governor Corzine’s State of the State address I became deeply concerned as he outlined his plan to increase tolls more than fivefold. His proposal to increase tolls on the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, Atlantic City Expressway and Route 440 amount to a little more than a road tax on middle class New Jersey families. The governor’s toll road scheme is nothing more than a road t ax on middle class New Jersey families. The governor’s toll road scheme is nothing more than another shortsighted financial gimmick that mortgages our future and our children’s future without addressing New Jersey’s real problem, which is too much state spending. New Jersey has simply become unaffordable for middle class families and seniors and this potential toll increase on commuters will only make matters worse.

Governor Corzine’s comments about government accountability and ethics reform echo what my colleagues and I have been aggressively advocating for many years. Good government groups throughout the state estimate that pay to play costs the taxpayers of this state more than $1 billion in extra costs per year. A true ban on dual office holding, a complete ban on pay-to-play and an end to the political practice known as wheeling is a first step towards making New Jersey more affordable.

As we move forward tough decisions and choices must be made. Throughout the Legislative process my primary consideration on any policy question will be what is in the best interests of the residents of Monmouth and Mercer Counties. I will continue to aggressively advocate for fiscal responsibility, ethical integrity and property tax relief and reform throughout my term.”